
Results 50 comments of Vito

I think if the syntax is still valid in gitlab-ci, then it could be used in some legacy code. I'm not sure if it's possible not only use leading `/`,...

I tried to reproduce this problem, yet have no luck. I use docker image `ocaml/opam:debian-10-ocaml-4.14`. ```shell opam depext ffmpeg lame liquidsoap magic taglib opam install ffmpeg lame liquidsoap magic taglib...

Okay let's simplify this even more. I use docker image `ocaml/opam:debian-10-ocaml-4.14` ```sh opam repository set-url default sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wget opam depext ffmpeg liquidsoap opam install...

As for the second track. I can't reproduce out of memory, but maybe a list of installed packages will help finding if something is outdated. @oranjebloom, could you also share...

@oranjebloom your packages look strange, for example `libpcre` or `libsodium`. Where did you get them? Maybe this could cause some instabilities due dependent packages not being recompiled. For example package...

@oranjebloom Your attachment is a bit broken. I extracted data from it using this command ``` grep -v ^lines dpkg.-l.txt | sort -u | grep ^ii | awk '{print $2,...

Yeah, I reproduced this issue. 1. [Download debian]( 2. Create a local vm. 3. Install debian from local iso. I used default settings, except no additional components such as desktop...

@oranjebloom you could also fix your files, if you don't want to wait. This script will overwrite your original file, do it on your own risk. ```sh broken_file='/path/to/broken/file.mp3' tmp_file="$(mktemp --suffix='.mp3')"...

@oranjebloom well, I'm not a developer of liquidsoap, but I'm trying to create a 100% reproduction example to make it easier to debug the problem. > fault, or a combination...

@oranjebloom, before you actually start, I have to repeat **you are doing everything at your own risk**. I'm doing my best to write these scripts, but they could break something....