
Results 15 comments of vitordino

i also find this interesting, i did came up with 2 hooks on my lib: 1. [`useCurrentBreakpoint`]( that returns a string with the key of the current breakpoint 2. [`useBreakpoints`](

yep, you caught one idea of using an array on `useBreakpoints`.. i think it’s just a different way to express it, and maybe use it.. i’m not agains the `from/to`...

we should probably define the typings for `Dispatch` e `SetStateAction` first — might use `React.Dispatch` and `React.SetStateAction` the export should also use the same type on the tuple as the...

this would be really nice (: i still didn't had the time to sign up and review if i can help with anything.. but when i manage some time i...


hey there Kevin 👋 feel free to fork or open PRs to this repo, is quite stale tho 😅

**opinion**: i think `below`, `above` and `between` both makes sense and are more compact to read. (i myself just use `above` on my libs and projects) --- and as the...