Rett Berg

Results 139 comments of Rett Berg

I was looking for exactly this! I tried using [elm-delay](, but alas it takes a `msg`, not a `Cmd msg`. For now I'm using it and creating a `Unlock*` msg,...

**These requirements are subject to change per the discussion. I've chosen to create what I think are the most reasonable to get us started.** We will call the conversion trait...

@bluss - I would say the dependency would be similar to how `serde` works (albeit MUCH simpler). Numeric crates would depend on `array-interop` and implement the `TryFromArray` trait. I would...

@bluss I have made some edits to my post to include both `RowMajorArray` and `ColumnMajorArray` types. Do you think that is sufficient? Also, let me give a more full description...

> I think that it does not have a noticeable overhead to convert any owning raw pointer to a Vec and back. I requires a `usize` for each pointer to...

Also: I feel pretty adamant about supporting `nostd` users. As a microcontroller developer there were many cases where I wished there was a simple array library. Rust has the capacity...

> Saving an usize here while making dimensions a Vec doesn't add up. What should `dimensions` be? > I do not think that supporting more type information means that we...

@Andlon thanks for the very thorough reply and I appologize for my absense. Had a more difficult time at work the last month and my wife and I are getting...

I'm thinking this issue should probably be put on hold until `const` generics are a thing, as that will be a more "final" API for data analysis libraries. The other...

Thanks for the bug. I'm going to hopefully be doing a full docs refactor soon and this will be involved in that.