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Deploy applications to Dokku

Dokku for GitHub Actions

Deploy your App to the Dokku server.

This action will deploy the Application to your Dokku server via SSH.


To use the action simply add the following lines to your .github/workflows/main.yml

name: CD

      - master
      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: Dokku deploy
      uses: vitalyliber/[email protected]
        PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
        HOST: ${{ secrets.HOST }}
        PROJECT: ${{ secrets.PROJECT }}
        APP_CONFIG: ${{ secrets.APP_CONFIG }}

Required Secrets

You'll need to provide some env to use the action. Set them to the Project Secrets:

Settings -> Secrets -> Actions -> New Repository Secret

  • PRIVATE_KEY: Your SSH private key to access to Dokku. Get it via command: pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.
  • HOST: The host or IP of the Dokku server. ie, or
  • PROJECT: Dokku project name.

Optional Environments

You can optionally provide the following:

  • PORT: Port of the sshd listen to, 22 is set by default.
  • FORCE_DEPLOY: Force push the project to dokku, e.g. FORCE_DEPLOY=true
  • HOST_KEY: The results of running ssh-keyscan -t rsa $HOST. Use this if you want to check that the host you're deploying to is the right one (e.g. has the same keys).
  • APP_CONFIG: Set dokku config through github secrets. Example: RAILS_MAX_THREADS=25 SECRET_KEY_BASE=xyz123&$%.
  • BRANCH: The ability to deploy from a non-master branch.


The Dockerfile and associated scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.