Actions topic
GitHub Actions gives you the flexibility to build an automated software development lifecycle workflow. You can write individual tasks, called actions, and combine them to create a custom workflow. Workflows are custom automated processes that you can set up in your repository to build, test, package, release, or deploy any code project on GitHub.
“With GitHub Actions you can build end-to-end continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) capabilities directly in your repository. GitHub Actions powers GitHub's built-in continuous integration service. For more information, see "About continuous integration."
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Taking Action With GitHub Actions
Create good looking blog from your markdown files in a GitHub repository
GitHub Action to build and publish Docker Images to GitHub Container Registry
Github action that trigger refresh of the repository go report card (
🛠 The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions in Python | 一个用于开发 GitHub Actions 的工具库
❤ Auto check in Cord Cloud site by GitHub Action | GitHub Action 实现 Cord Cloud 帐号自动续命
🤖 Auto Deploy Gitee Pages by GitHub Action | 无须人为干预,由 GitHub Action 自动部署 Gitee Pages
🔝 V2EX GitHub Action | 自动发送 V2EX 热门内容到企业微信、钉钉等,可自定义发送周期
Monitor your GitHub Actions in real time from the command line
A Github Action that executes jobs/commands on non-x86 cpu architectures (ARMv6, ARMv7, aarch64, s390x, ppc64le, riscv64) via QEMU
Custom reporter for Mocha which outputs Github Actions annotations