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Виталије Милошевић
I am not sure that the following example is what you are looking for. But this is something I use in my actix-web server: ```rust use service_authenticator::authenticator::{Authenticator, AuthenticatorBuilder as AB};...
Sorry I couldn't help you more. I remember that I've also had some issues with authorization with google. I've contacted their support team several times. You need to register you...
I urge you to reconsider your idea of turning helper functions into a methods, before it is too late. I believe it is a bad idea. I suppose you wanted...
@edreamleo Ok. I hope I didn't sound too demanding. My only intention was to offer you another point of view. Please, don't take this as an offense or my stubbornness,...
@edreamleo I am glad if I've been of any help.
I have added a new URL /tip/* which will serve pages and files directly from a working folder. That enables preview of not yet committed changes as requested in issue...
I am not using poetry anymore so it is not terribly important to me, but here is today's experiment that still produces the same error. ``` >cd /tmp >mkdir proba...
Note that in the reported error python says it could not find `tcl.tk` installation in the several directories. This list of directories doesn't include `lib` folder of the original python...
1. `poetry run python -m tkinter` produces the same error 2. the same error 3. In this case, the second line produces the following error: ``` bash: /usr/bin/env bash: No...