Raphael M

Results 7 comments of Raphael M

@ajcastro I tested without success.I did not know why right join give same results as left join. Here is my SQL dump for tests. [hybrisdev3.sql.zip](https://github.com/ajcastro/searchable/files/4479695/hybrisdev3.sql.zip)

@ajcastro the final result is the same. $query->search($str)->distinct()->paginate(1) give me a not correct value when $query->lastPage(); ==> 11 (it will be 2). lastPage() is used in Ajax (show more results...

Yes. Here is a resume of my configuration : **Listing Model** ``` /** * Searchable configuration * @var array */ protected $searchable = [ 'columns' => [ 'listings.title', 'listings.description', 'categories.title',...

Note pagination : ``` dd($results = Listing::where('listings.status', 2)->with(['category' => function($q){ $q->with('rubrique'); }])->search('boulangerie')->distinct()->paginate(1)); ``` Results here : [http://dev3.hybris-studio.be/test-paginate](http://dev3.hybris-studio.be/test-paginate) Edit : Response for total is 11. It will be 2 if I...

> > Results here => http://hybris-studio.be/sql > > ^ @visualight Please fix this so it display only string sql, because it is currently dumping the query builder instance.. > >...

> I am thinking of a feature to search on the relation instead of doing join for that use-case. > Remove the `keywords.title` in the `columns` and `joins` sections. @ajcastro...

Hi @cfpinto ! Hi @nahid ! I have a question because I can't quite understand the working principle of oembed. If I return a response from my server in json...