Dean (딘)

Results 12 comments of Dean (딘)

Got the same issue but a little bit different. The video player gets displayed for a short amount of time but then gets removed from the DOM.

@snylonue Tried that as well, but didn't work for me, as RLS would always rebuild on start.

Will the dropzone work like a dropzone? E.g. it has a prop for `upload-url` which points to the API url where the upload stuff happens? I've seen that in alot...

This solution seems even simpler than mine. Didn't know that the `` tag can have a `tag` prop. Thanks for the reminder. 👍

Oh, reopened again? Why's that?

@lijunle Mixins and Functions etc. For full list check

@TheTetrabyte is actually right. Never have code run issues. Just check for "undefined" and emit the process. It's very much needed, especially when you run Spoticord with a process manager...

Still interested, as `hyn/multi-tenant` seems kind of complicated. The docs are not that well documentating stuff.

Yeah, I mean whole timelines. For instance a grid with pictures of your Instagram feed etc

> To support rendering Craft nodes into static markup on the server, we've had to hack around the way blocks are built – instead, it would be nice to just...