uikit copied to clipboard
UIKit - modern ui components for the modern web
dialog, comfirm, notification, split button, menu not functioning on ipad2 ios4
A slider would be very nice, perhaps along the lines of : http://refreshless.com/nouislider/
Hey, just wondering, any reason you used `opacity: 1` and `background: rgba(0,0,0,.75)` in [overlay.css](https://github.com/visionmedia/uikit/blob/master/lib/components/overlay/overlay.css) instead of a solid black background and 0.75 opacity? Adding `filter: alpha(opacity=75)` would allow it to...
not sure if jquery really facilitates this, will have to take a look but it would be nicer to have `button.appendTo(something)` vs `button.el.appendTo(something)`
flipping the card only shows the mirrored color picker, not a paragraph of text like it says Chrome 16
sticky headers, relative to current pos, stick to points etc
not a fan of what I have _at all_