saveContextOnCommit saves the object in coredata how to prevent that?
Hello, FEMMapping *mapping = [_PlannVisit defaultMapping];// your mapping here FEMManagedObjectStore *store = [[FEMManagedObjectStore alloc] initWithContext:[_PlannVisit getContext]]; store.saveContextOnCommit = NO; FEMDeserializer *deserializer = [[FEMDeserializer alloc] initWithStore:store]; if (ary){ NSArray *objects =...
that objects are feting from server.
For me, there is two scenario like i am store some objects in db and some objects are not mapping but not store. once i ma fetching stored object then...
But can you tell me how i can prevent context dead??
First we are getting array and that array sorted and i have stored inside coredata. but after that i am inserting new recored inside coredata. after that that record i...
mapping like ``` [MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext * _Nonnull localContext) { arr = [FEMDeserializer collectionFromRepresentation:[dict objectForKey:@"data"] mapping:[_LeadStatusList defaultMapping] context:localContext]; } completion:^(BOOL contextDidSave, NSError * _Nullable error) { [self.view makeToast:dict[@"message"]]; [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; }];...
relationship object.
Can you explain me how assignment policy works with replacing particular object???