Suppose i have array of dictionary then??
I have array of dictionary and i got that from web service but i dont want to store that on Core data but only need to mapp is it possible???
NSObject is super class for either nsaray or nsdictionary. so we need to iterate everydictionary and map to FEMMaping right??
I have two types of Visit Like Plan and Unplan. i am storing and mapping Plan Visit after Login but i dont have to store unplan Visit for my application....
Can you elaborate more?? Json are same means format are same but values are different. :){CreatedBy:20,CompanyID:1}&TokenID=B12F3D170F46CCB00AE429741C770DB8&UserID=20 Plz hit above url and see my data.
I have already created Coredata ManagedObject Subclass.
nested context means how??
where to use mapping object in your code??