Results 11 issues of Serena

When I type in "ds" *tab*, type my search query and press enter, it just opens a new search windows in safari in Google as opposed to searching in Devonthink....

Just wondering whether it’s possible to create a monthly template tag that would list out every day of the month? Currently there’s a {{Monday}} to {{Sunday}} tags for the weekly...

Hi, I see that Dice Roller currently support Dataview inline values, but the notes specify that if I have multiple inline fields of the same name Dice Roller would use...

Type: Feature

I don’t know where to find the word count on the iOS/iPad OS version of Obsidian. There doesn't seem to be a status bar and better word count doesn't show...

Hi, I've been using and loving the bidirectional syncing between the outline view and the editor. But today, that functionality seems to have stopped working. If I fold something in...

As the description states, I cannot load the plugin in Obsidian v1.0.3

**What should this step do?** I sometimes add tasks (- [ ]) in my manuscript, either as a reminder to do further research on something, or to remind myself of...


**Describe the bug** When a mention is made inside a custom callout, all linked mentions in the target note disappear. Example. This is what currently happens when you make a...


I logged into Quill last night and it was able to find the media endpoint and syndication target. Today I log into Quill (I've made no changes to my website...

Sorry, David, I seem to be breaking your stuff left right and centre. 🙇‍♀️ I've been using Post Kinds plug to post replies to other websites, but then last night...