Viorel Rusu
Viorel Rusu
Sorry @afanger, chinese support depends on threedc library chinese support. This is out of my responsability. Regards
Hi, Sorry for the late answer, I have abandoned this project and I'm not supporting/updating it anymore. If you find a solution please feel free to post the solution or...
Hi, Sorry for the late answer, I have abandoned this project and I'm not supporting/updating it anymore. If you find a solution please feel free to post the solution or...
Hi, Sorry for the late answer, I have abandoned this project and I'm not supporting/updating it anymore. Sorry for the inconveniences. Vio
Hi, I have been checking the code and this can only occur when there was a problem retrieving the metric configured. Are you sure you have correctly configured the metrics,...
Oh, I see. That makes sense. I will try to add something not to end the execution unexpectedly in this cases as it is doing now. Contact me if there...