
Results 17 issues of virusdefender this is only a demo code and proposal about lexing the lua block, do you have any suggestions?

help wanted

我的消息页面没分页 修改方法 controller/最后一行修改为 ``` python self.render("message.htm", messages=messages, count=count, cutstr=cutstr, page=page, each=limit) ``` html 模板增加 ``` html {% raw pagenav(now = page, count = count, each = each, url = '/message/%d')... 其实有 grpc 的接口可以通信

It is said that there are still some security risks running untrusted code in docker, what did you do to do to make docker more safer? Articles related:

help wanted

for example ```lua local function a(i: number): number, number if i == 1 then return 1, 2 else if i ==2 then -- should check return value number return 3...

### 个人信息设置页面 - [x] 第一次进入页面或者刷新页面不会出现小蓝条 如果在非 profile 页面点击头像 change avatar,页面有跳转,但是小蓝条也没动 ![image]( ### 用户端 - [x] problem.vue 不能硬编码语言 - [x] about/judge 页面不要硬编码编译参数 - [x] webpack dll dev build - [x] 提交代码的编辑器可以像后台题目模板一样,随着代码行数增加无限增高...

1 json标准中都是使用双引号的, 。最近使用django和您的xss probe写一个xss平台,发现python的json.loads()等函数在处理单引号的json的时候会报错。规范一下比较好。 2 去掉了window.onload 这样在部分xss利用场景中可以插入xss代码后就立即起作用。比如我上面自己写的平台,构造一个dom xss,提供一个文本框,点击后插入到html中,如果使用window.onload,就不会起作用。 我说的有什么问题,还希望大神提出来~~

input `require("os")` and then press `.`, the plugin will output some error messages ``` [Error - 5:03:20 PM] Request textDocument/completion failed. Message: Request textDocument/completion failed with message: Cannot read property...


Thank you for the excellent project. It's not convenient without these two functions.
