Hi @jockebq The following filter should let users view and select global media attachments into their own blog without having a role into the Media Site. ``` function global_media_user_cap($allcaps, $caps,...
@jockebq I've tested in my multisite installation and does not give any issues. Please, could you provide any debug information?
@jockebq sorry, I'm using an older version (0.0.7-dev). Many things changed with the latest version. The code need to be updated! I'll post the new code asap. Thank you very...
@jockebq the `$this` param was a typo from copy/paste action, could be replaced by `$user` as it represents a `WP_USER` object. @bueltge as of wp 3.7.0 the 4th param has...
In the filter I posted before there is another step that has to be fixed. The `MultisiteGlobalMedia\getSideId` is no more publicly exposed, as it was in the In the `0.0.7-dev`...
> But if I try to search this file when I am in the Media Library tab it is not found. Something is lost when the file is uploaded via...
Ok, this is the updated (and hopefully working) version of the filter: ``` function global_media_user_cap($allcaps, $caps, $args, $user) { if( !in_array('upload_files', $args) ) return $allcaps; if( defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX &&...
Hi @jockebq I think the problem is that you should switch to the Media Site before calling the `attachment_url_to_postid` If you have selected a video from the global Media Site,...
I agree with @widoz. You can also consider to close this ticket for now. There is a working solution to the main question:
I would love having this feature enabled in 2.x. Just a simple fadeIn when images are loaded.