Vipul Gupta
Vipul Gupta
Dear team, would you consider extending the support to the proxy-enabled REST client? Since "requests.request()" have already the mechanism to handle proxies, I believe the implementation is straightforward. I have...
Hello, A call to a function, which uses proxy gateway that are defined in a global environment, is not working inside foreach block despite setting .export = ls(.GlobalEnv) and .packages...
the openjdk:17-slim image is outdated with high- and critical-level vulnerabilities. Updating it with the latest image should fix the issue.
Dear team, currently, the Grobid service requires root privileges to be running in a Kubernetes environment. However, running a container as root in a production environment is not recommended. Are...
This PR fixes an issue where apt-get upgrade was upgrading CUDA from 11.2 to 12.2, causing mismatches between libcublas 11.2, libcudnn8, and other GPU libraries. This led to GPU-related errors...