
Results 4 issues of Violet_XZ

Hi there, I saw tutorials of installing and filling the coins information from the ui...But that person doesn't show how do i installing coin wallet daemons so as to then...

(See full trace by running task with --trace) rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): [docker-compose run --rm peatio bash -c "./...] lib/tasks/service.rake:119:in `start' lib/tasks/service.rake:7:in `call' lib/tasks/service.rake:7:in `block (2 levels)...

Hi guys...In readme section or says configure app.yml,but there is no app.yml files ....did anyone guide me how do iinstall

Hi there, everything working correctly but But mining didn't start this issue EXTRANONCE SIZE2,EXTRANONCE2 size 3 ...stratum_rev line failed ....stratum connection reset .....stratum connection established /////yespower coin mining Debug...