Vincent Klaiber

Results 30 comments of Vincent Klaiber

I do have access. Though, I not in a position to decide which PRs should be merged or not. I suggest looking at the [Elogram]( package instead.

@albertleao then you could let the maintainer know and open issues or even better, create pull requests. I know he is very responsive and want to make the package the...

@albertleao :+1:

Please see #182

> Please note that this library doesn't yet support their new updates.

Everything seems fine. What error is it returning?

Does the timestamp you send and the timestamp it returns look the same?

That is definitely strange. I guess this is out of my knowledge of the API. Sorry I can't help more.

Thanks for reaching out. This will be fixed when #119 gets merged.

@imonly Could you please describe a little more why we should change the default `$auth` parameter to true? Maybe its better to specify this for each individual request instead. For...