Vini Salazar
Vini Salazar
Do you have any guidelines or preferences on how to cite this package? I have been using it and want to cite it in my upcoming work. I'd suggest getting...
Hi, can I use FastANI to calculate AAI (Average Aminoacid Identity)? Is this supported? Thank you, V
I'm getting the following error when trying to run FastANI: ``` >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reference = [/Users/viniWS/Bio/gtdb/fasta/NC_006576.1.fasta, /Users/viniWS/Bio/gtdb/fasta/NC_007335.2.fasta, /Users/viniWS/Bio/gtdb/fasta/NC_007513.fasta] Query = [Bio/gtdb/fasta/NC_005042.fna] Kmer size = 16 Fragment length = 3000 Threads =...
Hi, Thank you for providing Snakemake. Here is my bug report: **Snakemake version** Any version from 7.3.3 onwards. **Describe the bug** I'm using Snakemake on a cluster with a SLURM...
Hi @elizabethmcd , thank you for providing this package. I'm excited to use it. I believe providing a conda release for it would greatly improve it and attract users. I'm...
Hi, I was having problems using the `setup` command to download the database so I did it manually as instructed in the README. However, it would be nice to have...
Hi, I've started a project to translate this lesson to Portuguese as part of an effort to grow the Carpentries community in my home country of Brazil. Similarly to what...
Hi, I've recently updated my MegaHit OS X install with the latest Bioconda build (see the [builds page](, build [`h2ed8fcc`]( I keep getting this error when running MegaHit with that...
Hi @erdogant, Thank you for providing this library. It's exactly what I've been looking for. It would be great to have this installable through conda-forge. Would you be interested in...
Hi, I've been running `anvi-cluster-contigs` and since it takes a bit of time, I tried adding the `terminal.time_program` decorator to it. It worked well, and I noticed that only a...