Hi, For the moment I'm affraid that pagination and async data are incompatible. Something is planned in this direction but I don't know when it can be delivered.
Hey It will be effective on septembre i think I have tout do some table header improvements first
Hi, I will start working on SSR support when "*svelte-kit*" is released I think
Hello Pang, I apologize for the delay in responding. I don't know exactly what broke. I should have corrected the issue in 0.1.27. It needed a short delay before to...
There is a temporary solution until a more complete and documented API is developed ````js import { pageNumber } from 'svelte-simple-datatables/src/stores/state.js' const reset = () => { pageNumber.set(1) } ````
Hello, It is not possible for now... :confused: I will develop an API to manage tables programmatically (I hope for sometime in September). But for the moment it is not...
The height of the table is calculated from the computed height of the parent element. By default the Datatable is first rendered with a minimum height of 160px, then it...
This package will not handle data properly, unfortunately. Too much code under the hood; I developed a new, more complete package, with the controls. Not officially launched yet, but fairly...
I haven't found an elegant way to implement these parameters. I'll have to take the sorting system back and improve it a bit
Sorry for the late response. I used to set style directly in the markup for specific requirements, especialy for column sizing: ```svelte {row.smth} [...] ``` Or with `table :global(th)` CSS...