Vince Verberckt
Vince Verberckt
Hi I needed to add @charset "UTF-8"; in my application.scss that fixed the problem.
This sounds good to me. But could it potentially crash with a rails class? I'm not sure if there is already a Config class or not... If not, it would...
I created a PR for the documentation.
Yes got it too on the 2.1.6 build of symfony.
Hi in your facebook provider, try to add: ``` Facebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; Facebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 2; ``` Like this: ``` public function __construct(BaseFacebook $facebook, $userManager, $validator, $container) { $this->facebook = $facebook;...
@wedd add this at the top of your php file: ``` use Facebook; ``` edit: to make sure you have all the right usages: ``` use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException; use Facebook; use...
@wedd: I wrote down here how I integrated it. Look closely at the security, routing, ... because probably that's where the problem is. Here is my firewall configuration:
@jujuo How are you authenticating ? Is it with the twig tags and the javascript redirect ? Could you give me your current url, callback url (as in what facebook...
oh sorry my bad.. can you do a console.log(response) (that's what I actually needed)
@jujuo I think there is a way to change protocols in the facebook app itself. If you do that, it'll work. I'll check it out and update my findings here.