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Drag and drop re-ordering adapter for RecyclerView

Results 11 DragSortAdapter issues
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Can you provide a screenshot or a screenrecording of the library.

See https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/111758625 OnDrag in DragManager.java does not receive dragInfo other than null so dragging never starts.

**Edit: I proposed a (working) solution that addresses my problem, see 68ad231.** (However, I messed up the datatype, it should be `RecyclerView.ViewHolder` instead of `ViewHolder`, so I can't make a...

If I drag fast and for a longer time up and down, I can see that sometimes items disappear... Their place is empty... I also encountered that the dragged view...

Drag the first item and slowly move down then you can see items below move fast upwards. Stop move downwards(still dragging the first item), you can see the blank space...

When I trie to update compile and target versions to 23 its all good if I leave compile 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:22.1.0'. But when I change it to 23.1.1 DragSortAdapter can't import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView;...

Not sure what the cause is, but I'm guessing it might actually be an issue with LinearLayoutManager

After fast double touch on the cell which I call startDrag on onTouch method, the app crash with the following exception: `````` java java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot call this method while RecyclerView...

I change Integer to String with `hashCode()` and it'll crash if I drag the item.It's like #11 .Could you show me a right example how to use it ? Thank...