
Results 17 comments of vilinet

If i remove the following lines from markerManager.cpp:374-376 ``` for (auto& p : params) { if (p.function >= 0) { p.function+=offset); } } ``` it works well. Is there any...

I attached a possible fix below that keeps tracking of the function hash and id in the StyleContext. So it will always get the correct id. Works well with more...

With MultiPoint it works. But i want to show a line and the points the line made of. I can achieve that with LineString, but MultiPoint/Point does not support line...

@Bradeskojest Have you tried to set the StandardGestureDetector' LongpressEnabled to false?

Checkout the last comment in this thread please:

> @neuecc said that he gonna work with this repo after he release UniTask v2 That is great news! It does not matter to me which version just need to...

I made my repo private :) Any idea how long it will take? I have seen he is is active on many other projects.

Would be much better if everyone could concentrate on one lib instead decentralizing manpower into 2 separated libs. Best option really would be to share ownership with someone who could...

@firephantomassasin Lets have a look at it :)

Drop me a mail to the vilinet9@ the mail domain that google uses dottt com :)