Results 52 comments of Bill Doyle

(This seems to have some side-effects that I don't understand yet, will work on cleaning them up if this is of interest.)

Fixed the side-effects, I was hiding things one level too deep.

I haven't put any thought into transitions, though I can definitely see them being a desirable feature. I'll have to ponder that a bit.

This is nearly done as of 88746bf6. I'm going to leave it open until I fix up the issues with partial application when property validation fails, and until I write...

The CPU usage is directly related to the framerate of your gif.

Can you link to the image and post your display resolutions?

I also did fix a memory leak in the latest commit if you haven't rebuilt lately.

As it stands now, unfortunately not. I'm restricted to the formats that gdk-pixbuf supports. I'd like to replace it if there's a suitable candidate (#11), but I haven't found one...

SAIL looks quite promising:

This isn't currently possible, but could definitely be added. oguri also doesn't currently handle the fill color, it's just whatever your compositor provides underneath. Probably both should be added at...