Víctor Casamayor Pujol
Víctor Casamayor Pujol
> Is there a way I can get a version of the map merger where I can freely control the merged map's origin, by changing the initial poses of the...
Hi, I have been working on this feature for a while. I finally find out how to get these transforms, because what I found was that OpenCV provides the proper...
I have updated the PR with my last modifications. @hrnr I have commented the "adjuster" because it was misleading the results. I don't know if you have other experience with...
@Xvdgeest Hi, Regarding the "jumpy" transforms it might be cause for several reasons. One of them it could be due to the rate in which maps are updated and its...
Thank you, I'll have a look! Best
Hi Jiri, I have been working on this issue, and following your hints I have implemented a thread that publishes the transforms. However, I have found that when the number...