vikash kumar gupta

Results 11 issues of vikash kumar gupta

Hi , I am trying to use netCoreserver library to receive the high frequency NSE TBT multicast data . I have use multicast udp client sample code . But it...

Hi All , I am trying to resize the floated LayoutAnchorable using keyboard key event . I am trying to change the FloatingHeight , FloatingWidth but it is not updating...


I have developed a docking application using AvalonDock library in WPF . I am using floated LayoutAnchorable which contain the user control component. I want to increase the border thickness...

Hi All , I am trying to move or repositioning the already floated LayoutAnchorable in wpf . Like we can move the floated LayoutAnchorable using mouse left button . I...

I have developed a docking application using xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock library in WPF . I am using floated LayoutAnchorable which contain the user control component. I want to increase the border thickness...

Hi All , I am trying to resize the floated LayoutAnchorable using keyboard key event . I am trying to change the FloatingHeight , FloatingWidth but it is not updating...

Hi , After docking multiple layout anchorable . It's root getting null exception . at Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.Layout.LayoutContent.Float() at QTApplication.Classess.Clone_Helper.Initialize_Clones(String user_control_) Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Please...

Hi All , Ho can we set the root of layout panel if root is null . Please suggest , Thanks

Hi , I am using this library and build a WPF application . After sitting ideal for more than 2 hours docked window is going in not responding state ....

**boost versio : BOOST_LIB_VERSION "1_58" openssl version : openssl 1.1.1 g** In file included from /usr/local/include/openssl/bio.h:20:0, from /usr/local/include/openssl/conf.h:13, from /usr/local/include/boost/asio/ssl/detail/openssl_types.hpp:19, from /usr/local/include/boost/asio/ssl/context_base.hpp:19, from /usr/local/include/boost/asio/ssl/context.hpp:27, from /usr/local/include/boost/asio/ssl.hpp:19, from /home/ubuntu/Vikas/Test/crow/include/crow/socket_adaptors.h:4, from /home/ubuntu/Vikas/Test/crow/include/crow.h:7,...