Vijay Ramakrishnan
Vijay Ramakrishnan
I am facing a similar issue as well: ``` > kittipeumpoonwong S IH T IY P IY AH M P UW N W AO N W AO N W AO...
@joshhansen I solved this issue by adjusting the beam size of the decoding from 1 to 5. `g2p-seq2seq --decode wordlist.txt --model_dir g2p-seq2seq-model-6.2-cmudict-nostress --return_beams --beam_size 5` ``` ysl IY EH S...
@raikarsagar Checkout out , its a PyTorch implementation for G2P with the same architecture as CMUSphinx.
Could we do something analogous to this: ``` GoogleTranslator._check_credential_exists() try: translate_v2 = importlib.import_module("") return translate_v2.Client() except ModuleNotFoundError as error: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Library not found: 'google-cloud'. Run 'pip install mindmeld[language_annotator]'" "...