
Results 37 comments of Vihan

hmm, this looks like the plugin is not being run. Are you able to verify other babel plugins are being run? My best guess is the build system isn't picking...

@bmbmjmdm are you running babel7 by any chance

Unusual given that this plugin lnly jses the fs and path deps

Hmm, are you using a babel.config.js file?

@vxcamiloxv how are you running babel? are you using webpack/parcel/something else? or are you directly running using babel cli?

one reason that could happen is the path is incorrect, can you post exact import statement along with directory strutcure?

Not yet but definetly I’ll look into in a few weeks. Would be useful with import() as that gains traction

Adding this I'm inclined to support import() instead but I'll consider an option

This seems to happen if you have a`@typedef {T}` but don't specify a name

Can you gjve an example code snippet where this occurs?