
Results 37 comments of Vihan

I don't know about webpack resolve.alias specifically but for this I use: which is babel plugin that makes babel resolve the `@` path. (There's also which is popular...

hm unusual. Works fine with me in my webpack projects so might be some config/version issue. Can you share the webpack config that vue-cli is generating/using?

can you also post the generated babelrc? Not sure what's going on but might have to do with plugin order

Did you make sure to add svg under 'exts' option?:

Very weird... can you copy and paste the code generated by Babel?

Merged #33. I don't have too much time for maintaining this though, so if anyone is interested in picking it up. Feel free to make a PR, and I'll review+grant...

could you give an example of how this would work? I'm not sure exactly how this would optimally work. Would the regex be the whole import source? Would there be...

Could this be related to jspm/jspm-cli#778? Also, does this occur with other plugins? I think you might have to file an issue w/ JSPM about this because it seems like...

I believe in the latest version (3.0.0) you should be able to do `import "../widgets/actions/*"`. Let me know if that does not work

Can you share folder structure ?