Results 20 comments of vient

Yes, in my case all cores except first one are isolated so the program thinks that only one CPU is available because `sched_getaffinity` returns set consisting of only one cpu....

Bumping the issue. Any way to translate that won't brake (at least) over non-major updates would be nice. ---- > If it is not viable, it could at least have...

Isn't it supposed to be 2 base `__cppobj` classes from which you derive your child `__cppobj` class? As a result you will have 0 vtables in child.

Yeah, that is the limitation of Hex-Rays/your approach. It seems you need to create separate base classes for each child so you can place `C::A::__vftable` directly in `A` class (which...

Maybe a better way would be not to try to do it all by yourself but try to detect nesting class constructors (two different vtable writes at one offset in...

Yeah, I've finally used it and you can have multiple inheritance, you only need to explicitly put offsets of all non-primary vtables in their names. Using example above, ```cpp class...

It seems from that trace that PSB FUP IP values can be at least used to fill LastIP field which is zeroed by PSB. Looks like this is already implemented,...

So the error is While I don't know about the root cause, I should mention [IP decoding issues in libxdc]( which code is copied here without changes. There are...

Problems are still the same, but you can deal with them by: 1. Running script in interactive mode, and 2. Manually replace `.bc` file with `.bc.tmp.0`