@fidgety520 which linux is running under your docker (I'm not familiar with docker installations) What is the exact error message ./ is returning you after the start? version of torch...
@fidgety520 here is what I have done, but at one's own risk.... ``` sudo apt autoremove rocm-core amdgpu-dkms sudo apt install libopenmpi3 libstdc++-12-dev libdnnl-dev ninja-build libopenblas-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev sudo -i...
Are there any other errors except those warnings during the compilation process. On my computer the compilation needed a very long time. I tried to upload my whl files on...
In your /pytorch/dist/ folder. The whl file - is this from date after compilation or from date at (or before) download time
Only difference I'm aware is the deinstallation of rocm/amdgpu and the installation of libraries I missed during the process under linux mint. The download path of amd is also another,...
here is an update for GFX803 - e.g. RX580 with pytorch v2.1.2 and automatic sd webui 1.7 ``` sudo apt autoremove rocm-core amdgpu-dkms sudo apt install libopenmpi3 libstdc++-12-dev libdnnl-dev ninja-build...
is it possible that `git clone --recursive -b v2.1.2` had some error or stopped during download? I had to restart this line 4-5 times until everything was downloaded... maybe...
frankly speaking I don't know. I restarted every time the whole `git clone --recursive -b v2.1.2` it seemed to me, that there is already something like a cache, so...
Docker Rocm- it's necessary that you use the specific rocm version I did with the line: `wget`
Those exports should do it: ``` sudo -i sudo echo ROC_ENABLE_PRE_VEGA=1 >> /etc/environment sudo echo HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=8.0.3 >> /etc/environment ``` But I would try with rocm 5.5: