Hi @Vadkarika2 , I've done it with Property XOffset Example Code: ``` private void hscrollBar_OnScroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(Editor!=null) Editor.XOffset = hscrollBar.Value; } private void editor_UpdateUI(object sender, UpdateUIEventArgs e)...
It seems to me, that I have read that there is a package installation problem directly in R 3.6.0 Try the next version must be R 3.6.1 See See...
My Cinnamon in Linux Mint also crashed, after updating to new version 1.6 and controlnet 1.1 and using hires fix latent 2x (which is default turned on). Linux Error: amdgpu...
Thanks for the quick answer! I didn't use Prompt until I read on stack overflow and here on github, that this forces the user to reenter password. My idea was,...
Thanks I understand. I will read the docs you have provided. thanks very much for your help!
@bgavrilMS sorry to ask you again. Maybe I missunderstod somehthing - But I tried to remove the user in the browser(s) (with 3 dots) and the user is still in...
I thought I'm already using WAM: ``` Pca = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(ClientId) .WithAuthority(AuthorityUri) .WithLogging(Log, Microsoft.Identity.Client.LogLevel.Verbose, true) .WithRedirectUri("http://localhost") // required for DefaultOsBrowser .WithBroker(new BrokerOptions(BrokerOptions.OperatingSystems.Windows)) .WithParentActivityOrWindow(WindowHandleProvider) //.WithWindowsDesktopFeatures(options); .Build();```
Yes, it only shows the 3 dots in the right bottom corner, which only opens some status info about errors and so on. you can see the screenshot in my...
Thanks for your help and analyzing the background of the issue!
@WeirdWood thanks for your build process! I have also a RX 580 (8GB) and Linux Mint 21.2 and tried to follow your description. Unfortunatly the latest rocm version is now...