Victoria Drake

Results 22 comments of Victoria Drake

Came across this while wondering why VSC wasn't suggested in the tutorial. It's a free, cross-platform, very powerful editor that is also easy to get started with, and I'd be...

Hello! This error is telling you that Go is not available in the Action environment. Did you set up your workflow as shown in the [README](, particularly the “runs-on” variable?

Hi Steve! The current tests (run by GitHub Actions on PRs) check Hydra against a local HTML file to ensure it's behaving as expected. I considered using a live website...

Hi there Rafael! There are a number of things that might be happening. The `TIMEOUT` in Hydra is set to a usually-generous 60 seconds, but if you have a particularly...

Boosting this. Same error. Status code 500. The account page shows I'm successfully authorized with both services. I'm on the instance.

Is instruction on regression testing in scope for the WSTG? Or have I got the wrong idea?

I think this would be a welcome addition @zanardigit if we can find a smooth automated way to generate it.

This could come in handy:

Hi @gitcnd! I think this issue could make a useful addition to the Introduction section (2.x). Are you still interested in covering it? If so, might we start with a...

@tolo7010 Would you like to be assigned to this one?