@Dustyposa @pengyou200902 你能启动? ``` 2021-01-15 00:46:34 DEBUG rasa.core.utils - Available web server routes: /conversations//messages POST add_message /conversations//tracker/events POST append_events /model/test/intents POST evaluate_intents /model/test/stories POST evaluate_stories /conversations//execute POST execute_action /domain GET...
@Dustyposa 上面不是有吗? 打印出来上面的都可以,但是不知道wehook rest这个不行.
@Dustyposa 可以的
@Dustyposa 对
@hyorigo would you mind reviewing if any space on your request. BTW, you can try .../infer or /pro_cons_infer for faster prediction.
@Zhida1 to upload dataset I afraid is a bit time consuming, I can give you a slice of sample data if you want.
@brukas it has been modified, you can also check that has the code to extract clean required library format.