Results 4 issues of victor

### .NET version .net core 3.1 ### Did it work in .NET Framework? Yes ### Did it work in any of the earlier releases of .NET Core or .NET 5+?...


The following statement has parse error for values part: ```sql CREATE TRIGGER `trigger_item_insert_audit` AFTER INSERT ON `item_inventory` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO item_inventory_audit(item_id,price,created_on,quantity) VALUES(, NEW.price, NOW(), NEW.quantity); END; ```...


I tried to parse the PostgreSQL using the c# code generated by PostgreSQLLexer.g4 and PostgreSQLParser.g4, but I found that the body of function and procedure always be parsed as AnysconstContext,...


```sql CREATE TABLE test( NAME character varying NOT NULL check (length(name)>0), constraint ck_name check (length(name)>0) ) ``` the `constraint ck_name check (length(name)>0)` is parsed as `ColumnDefContext`, actually it's `TableconstraintContext`.
