nope. This was through a jupyter notebook. Single threaded with a built in time gate of 1.5 seconds on the main function to limit requests to be approximately right at...
After some testing it's one of the following packages causing the error. colorama=0.4.6=pypi_0 ffmpeg-python=0.2.0=pypi_0 filelock=3.8.0=pypi_0 future=0.18.2=pypi_0 huggingface-hub=0.10.1=pypi_0 idna=3.4=py39haa95532_0 more-itertools=9.0.0=pypi_0 packaging=21.3=pypi_0 pyparsing=3.0.9=pypi_0 pyyaml=6.0=pypi_0 regex=2022.9.13=pypi_0 tokenizers=0.13.1=pypi_0 tqdm=4.64.1=pypi_0 transformers=4.23.1=pypi_0
ffmpeg-python=0.2.0=pypi_0 more-itertools=9.0.0=pypi_0 pyyaml=6.0=pypi_0 regex=2022.9.13=pypi_0 There is a conflict in one of these four.