Victor Borja

Results 26 issues of Victor Borja

Create a nice homepage, maybe using github pages, add a simple tutorial when syntax is ready

Warning - the `printer` exports from `graphql-tag` will be removed in the next major version. See for more information. Currently being [used here](

Use something like [mock-socket](

## Summary Previously it was only possible to clone plugin repos on their default branch. This pull-request allows the `plugin-add` command to take an aditional argument for specifying a git-ref...


Instead we now have a compileResources that is part of compileClasspath. Fixes #1807 * #1826


Allows using `goggles` from Scala.js projects. I know a previous scala.js branch was reverted #44 due to it altering the project layout, on this PR I'm trying to keep things...

This branch enables CI tests on GitHub since it looks like the travis build is no longer working.

[ammonite-runner]( [catscript](