Vidar Bronken Gundersen

Results 14 issues of Vidar Bronken Gundersen

A command line option to not copy/keep chunks wrapped in HTML comments to the output HTML. ``` ```


Allow a `^Keywords:`-line to add tags to Markdown documents, as well as convert these into HTML ``` ``` or LaTeX ``` \usepackage[ pdfkeywords={keywords, tags, markdown, example}, ]{hyperref} ```


I'm looking at the LaTeX output from Maruku, and there are two obvious limitations: 1. Support for images and graphics, e.g. convert `![](image.png)` instances to `\includegraphics[]{image.png}` 2. Support for LaTeX...


Add an option to write output without a LaTeX preamble, e.g. `--tex-frag`


Add some support for inline HTML fragments like tables, strip HTML tags, or insert a parsing problem notification (similar to the REXML parsing error box) instead of dropping HTML elements...


`Globals[:math_png_dir]` default to ~/ or / on the system I believe. A suggestion is to add an option to specify a "math_png_dir" with a command line option.


The "Cable permanently locked charger" device seems to be implemented as a switch, not a lock. When included in Lovelace it appears as a switch, not LOCK/UNLOCK. ![Screenshot 2020-11-29 at...


A symbol for an "Application component" would be a useful addition to the VM symbol (e.g. to symbol a component or module), in situations where one would want to diagram...

A symbol suitable for representing an API (REST, SOAP) or a message broker (MQTT) -- information exchange endpoint.


A symbol for any type of sensor for use in network diagrams covering IoT applications. Such sensors measure temperature, illumination, motion detection, air quality, water leak, noise level, power, energy,...
