Vibhu Agrawal
Vibhu Agrawal
Hi, can I start working on this issue as a part of RGSoC20?
Thank you for allowing me to work on this. I believe the API design would closely follow that of binary trees. Hence these are a few APIs I think should...
I thought `height` and `width` of a tree can provide additional functionality to the user, however other than from feature point of view, I don't find any suitable use case....
> You may refer, while implementing the above APIs. I checked this implementation, but a lot of functions like insert, delete are not implemented, probably because they depend on...
I get your point. I will try to come up with actual implementation and try to create a PR in a day or two for m-ary tree.
Can I keep `to_binary_tree` method abstract in m-ary tree, or a concrete implementation is required? If a concrete implementation is required, then should I modify the m-ary tree itself or...
I created a PR. However, the Travis checks failed due to some trailing whitespaces. Can you please guide how do I ensure there are no trailing white spaces? Also can...
Okay. I will start work on it soon :)
Yes. I will start working on application as well.
> It's time to make a PR for `MArySearchTree` and the relevant tests. I was looking through MArySearchTree on the [link]( you referenced earlier. However, I don't see a determinate...