I have been trying to do the same thing. I tried testing with the default tesseract image ("")and it works fine. But when I change to a local image, i...
They are in the same file. It is a folder called Slicer. And i'm using a local host server from here ( I am using Tesseract.js v2.1.0 because on 2.1.4/5...
I think this might be the problem. But I'm not sure if any of these modules are available for JS?
What are reasons that one or two of my parameters are nan? Lrec: 10.591, Ldadv: 11.214, Ldesty: nan, Lsadv: 19.919, Lsty: 67.168
This helped, thank you! :) I had a typo in this section and wouldn't have thought to look here
I've done this 3-4 times. It does not work
That works, thank you. Do you know why it doesn't work on the A100 though?
Would this mean that if i am training on a style, I should use concept images? And if yes, how many images do you recommend?