Valentin Hartmann
Valentin Hartmann
Hey! I just stumbled upon this issue/feature request. I saw that there is a sobol-sequence generator (and quite a few quasi random generators) in the boost library ( - added...
Oh, I see. I'll check if there actually is a performance gain by adding it (by testing it with the boost implementation) and will report back here. (However I assume...
Brief update: I had an initial go at it, and it seems like the implementation is not worth it, at least not in the naive way, of simply replacing the...
Tried both, using a new sequence each time actually worked better than generating samples from the same one.
Is there a reason why specifically this implementation, and not something like [1], [2] or anything else along the lines of it? I am mostly trying to understand the pros/cons...
I just added a preliminary version on a different branch. I am unsure how to properly test it, as I do not have a lot of experience in the domain...
Did one of you ever start with something like the things mentioned above? I wasn't able to find anything so far.
Dear all, I am currently in the process of writing a controlled adams bashforth moulton stepper (and as a byproduct an adaptive adams bashforth stepper). What's the process of integrating...
I think this should not be too hard - however, as far as I know there is no way to store edge validity in the `PlannerData`, therefore making much of...