
Results 31 comments of vguttmann

Hello! I hope you understand me, despite me speaking English. As said in, the tool was built on a Mac, but should work on most UNIX systems. Windows is...

I did open this issue because I had a (as far as I can tell) genuine Samsung 64GB SD card go bad in a Pi that a personal project ran...

I can do german, I'm a native speaker. Is anyone already doing that?

Also, the link which I think is supposed to link to the files gives me a 404, the correct link would be (you had the "X" capitalized in the...

Well, after some inital troubles setting up my build env, I got it working, and I'll just keep the german translation up-to-date.

Also, the wiki for translation needs to be updated. in the first step, the last ```cd ..``` needs to be removed, and in the 2nd step, ```lupdate src/ -ts share/antimicro/translations/antimicro_zh_CN.ts```...

I think I might able to do that. It would be helpful if you could tell me which script ultimately handles set changes, as I could avoid digging through tons...

Okay, I got a first version working (although it's pretty dirty and inelegant): I execute the command `notify-send "AntiMicroX" "Set n is now active" -i ""` after changing the set...

I will have a look for libraries that can do that, I'm sure that there's something out there.

So, after taking a look, I found something in QT called `QSystemTrayIcon`, which seems to be what we want. I hope to have implemented it until the weekend.