Michael Vigato
Michael Vigato
Same problem here, I followed the readme that suggests to disable removeViewBox first, but it's still not working: ``` module.exports = { plugins: [ { name: 'preset-default', params: { overrides:...
@TrySound thanks for coming back to me so quickly:) Sure, running svgo with those config against the source SVG: ``` ``` Produces the following target SVG: ``` ``` In both,...
I am using it via `svgr` CLI, to create TSX components out of svg files: `svgr -d src/components/icons_new --template src/icons/template.js --icon --typescript src/icons_new` I believe the configs are loaded because...
Actually yes, you are very correct, that is exactly what that `--icon` flag does, from https://www.npmjs.com/package/@svgr/cli: `--icon -> use "1em" as width and height` Now it works like a charm,...