
Results 11 issues of vgg4resnet

Hi ,can u provide us a docker image ?

hi,I found it a long time to train one epoch, is there any way to speed up,I wonder which part of the augment code take so much time,?Have you got...

And what is the speed,the param fMinReliability seems to be confidence ,right

hi,can you tell me how much time costs when inferring the two aligned face ,and what is your device?Any way to speed up ? I know more threads works faster...

hi, I am trying to do a face recognition project 。Some of my Images are motion blured baddly,my trained face recognition model mobilefacenet(this trained model is fixed ) get bad...

I am trying to get the frame pose ,the RT matrix is R+T the T is tx,ty,tz, the 6DOF is scale, pitch, yaw , roll, translation_x, translation_y ,missing translation_z,seems the...

hi,have u evaluated the model on FDDB dataset,what is the result

do you have plans on converting yolox version 2 caffe?

hi,thanks for your great job,I want to modify network into 160*160 or 160*120 input ,I wonder whether I need to provided new box and landmark coordinaties ,or the code will...

I provide a image with hands ,When draged the image is result is bad!GAN inversion using tools like PTI,any hands gan style models