Veaceslav Gaidarji
Veaceslav Gaidarji
Build on bitrise is failing due `ANDROID_NDK_HOME` not being properly unset. The temporary fix would be run build commands via shell step as ``` unset ANDROID_NDK_HOME ./gradlew assembleDebug testDebug jacocoTestReport...
Ideally, no changes should be made to project structure. See integration with other CI's (markdown files) to understand requirements. Scripts for emulator already exists in the project and should be...
Ideally, no changes should be made to project structure. See integration with other CI's (markdown files) to understand requirements. Scripts for emulator already exists in the project and should be...
Almost all CI's have such limits, but they don't mention them on official sites.
Current version gives not much value.
After Android SDK and tools update in, emulator cannot be started and following error is thrown to console: ``` Running /opt/android-sdk/tools/bin/avdmanager list avd Available Android Virtual Devices: Name: test...