Vincent Fazio

Results 46 comments of Vincent Fazio

now that 1.3.1 is tagged, this should be closed?

it does run as a module though... ``` root@rpi-a4fa30:~# python3 -m pip._vendor.pep517.in_process._in_process -h Needs args: hook_name, control_dir ``` It's not immediately clear to me why `_in_proc_script_path` gets imported when it...

For informational purposes:

The pypi stats don't give great insights on what python versions are pulling which versions AFAICT, so I ran a quick query on [the public pypi dataset](!1m4!1m3!3m2!1sbigquery-public-data!2spypi) for the past...

This is a duplicate of #383

I had a naive approach that simply hooked the exception chain and reraised exceptions in the context of the AsyncExitStack that worked from starlette 0.27 -> 0.31.1. Looks like this...

Maybe a dumb question, but does the pinctrl-bcm2835 driver need to be updated to perform the read cycle instead of imposing it on the i2c-gpio software driver?

I figured it was dumb and i shouldnt ask work related questions at 3am... But for my own edification, without it, theres no guarantee the writes to set a pin...

Another vote for this feature. This becomes problematic for installs that need to compile dependencies, like `cryptography`, for environments that may not have a rust compiler (or do, but it's...