
Results 7 issues of Versus

```c const char16_t const_utf16_char = u'あ'; ``` produces ```python const_utf16_char = あ ``` Also would be nice to have option to ignore const scalar "variables", since they are almost always...

This is due `splitAxis` not obtaining value in `Node::rstarSplit()` and still being `std::numeric_limits::max()`: ``` (gdb) f 0 #0 0x00007fa788eb63b0 in SpatialIndex::RTree::Node::RstarSplitEntry::compareHigh (pv1=0x5589ac675508, pv2=) at Node.h:160 160 if (pe1->m_pRegion->m_pHigh[pe1->m_sortDim] < pe2->m_pRegion->m_pHigh[pe2->m_sortDim])...

Link to the tablet: This at least allows to enable left-handed mode. It also has 8 pad buttons, but they are handled by the kernel as separate keyboard device.

```python import pymongo import mongomock import pprint for c in [pymongo.MongoClient(), mongomock.MongoClient()]: db = c['__test_mongomock'] db.test.insert_many([ { 'a': 'a.1', 'b': 'b.1', 'array': [ {'c': 'c.1.1'}, {'c': 'c.1.2'}, {'c': 'c.1.3'}, ],...


After setting `QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=Adwaita` (or `-style Adwaita`) Qt Quick Controls app will fail to start (testing on [Text Editor example]( ``` $ env QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 QML_IMPORT_TRACE=1 QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=Adwaita ./texteditorexample ... qt.core.plugin.loader: Found metadata...

I'm using synthetic test: ```python import cv2 as cv import caffe import numpy as np proto = 'pose_deploy.prototxt' weights = 'pose_iter_102000.caffemodel' np.random.seed(223) k = 368 inp = np.random.standard_normal([1, 3, k,...