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React Hooks for Data Fetching

Results 188 swr issues
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since [the fix applied in 2.0.4](https://github.com/vercel/swr/commit/591726acaf78f3aba39755a8795d454ac88af42e) we had problems in our codebase with some subscriptions not being called on some of our pages, it is the opposite problem of the...

# Feature request I'm building a listing page with a LoadMore pattern. My goal is to be able to sync the size with a page query param, allowing the user...

# Problem The runtime behavior of `mutate/trigger` is complex and the current type does not correctly match the actual behavior. ```tsx mutate('/key', fetcher, { populateCache: true, revalidate: true }) //...

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior Uncaught error is thrown inside the fetcher function by triggering `useSWRMutation`. ## Expected Behavior Error should be caught by SWR and returned...

area: mutation

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior When mounting a component that uses useSwr to get data for a key that was previous preloaded, the data is not revalidated....

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior When deps use different version swr like v1 & v2. It will throw error: It's caused by the export use package name...

area: build

The React team is finally ditching the "can't call useLayoutEffect on the server" warning: * facebook/react#26395

# Bug report as per doc here, the error handler should catch all error for global error handling purpose https://swr.vercel.app/docs/error-handling ```jsx { if (error.status !== 403 && error.status !== 404)...

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior [Mutate Based on Current Data Docs](https://swr.vercel.app/docs/mutation#mutate-based-on-current-data) `mutate`'s async function data is set to `undefined` when used with Next.js `getServerSideProps` fallback and `revalidateIfStale:...

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior Hello, I was trying out the latest stable version (1.3.0), migrating from a version previous to 1.0.0, and found out that one...