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React Hooks for Data Fetching

Results 188 swr issues
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# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior When calling the trigger function returned from `useSWRMutation` in rapid succession(i.e. before the fetcher has returned) and using the `optimisticData` callback, the...

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior Calling `mutate` with a filter function key only runs that filter function on the key that uses `useSWRImmutable`. ## Expected Behavior I...

reproduction needed

# Bug report I want to use `useSWRSubscription` but currently there is no way to send message on the established Web Socket connection ## Description / Observed Behavior As described...

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior When mutation fails, revalidation proceeds. ## Expected Behavior Revalidation should not occur if the mutation threw an error. ## Additional Context SWR...

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior I'm using `useSWRInfinite` with user controlled search functionality. Those ones are stored in a state and are access inside the key loader...

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior I'm using the `mutate` function to partially update the cached data ([like this second example](https://swr.vercel.app/docs/mutation#mutate-based-on-current-data)). When starting a second mutation before the...

area: mutation

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior The example of clearing all caches in the swr homepage manual does not work ## Expected Behavior https://swr.vercel.app/ko/docs/advanced/cache - Modify the Cache...

reproduction needed

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior I am making simple useSWR call passing plain text as a key. And I am trying to delete the cache for this...

reproduction needed

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior On React Native project I've decided to try out latest(2.0.3) swr version (I previously was using 1.3.0 version). I've encountered issue that...

area: react-native

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior What kind of issues did you encounter with SWR? `useSWRInfinite` docs say you can use all of the `useSWR` options, however the...

area: infinite