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The development environment for `micro`

Results 29 micro-dev issues
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Addresses issue #103 Updates the repo README to include the CLI arguments and gives an example of how one would change the port on a single run or persistently through...

Copy setup from https://github.com/vercel/ms

help wanted

Hi i am using apollo-server-micro and running it in dev mode with micro-dev. When i have playground running, the console gets spammed with the instrospection query logs. Is there anyway...

I'm trying to get `micro-dev` working with my `.mjs` files. I tried the proposed solution in this [closed issue](https://github.com/zeit/micro-dev/issues/46#issuecomment-381408321) but it throws an error and I'm unsure of a workaround....

I got too excited to use `micro-dev` and installed it without regarding the `npm WARN` about my unmet `micro` peer dependency. The resulting `Cannot find module 'micro/lib'` error didn't spark...

Closes #94 - prevents an unhandled promise exception from being thrown when a content type isn't provided.

I had been using `micro` perfectly fine locally, but then decided to use `micro-dev` for local development, but it won't parse the json body of my requests anymore :\ I'm...

A microservice updates a log file with a non-source code extn, micro-dev server detects changes to non-source file and hot reloads needlessly. Expected: micro-dev should monitor [.js,.jsm] source file only...

i'm using next.js with micro and I don't know why micro restart when next compile. this is mi logs ``` File changed: .next/static/chunks/0.js - Restarting server... Restarted! ``` I'm using...

According to the help shown by `-h`, `--ignore` option should accept glob. However when I run with `--ignore *.sqlite3`, it throws an error saying: ```console (node:16493) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: SyntaxError: Invalid regular...